Spring 2022 Meetings of the Task Force on Hemispheric Transport of Air Pollution – presentations

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Tuesday, 17 May: Global O3/PM Precursors Emissions (in cooperation with GEIA)

Subject of the presentationPresenter
Introduction and Meeting ObjectivesTim Butler
LRTAP Forum on International Cooperation on Air Pollution (FICAP)Alison Davies
Overview of HTAPv3 Global Emissions MosaicDiego Guizzardi, Monica Crippa
Comparison of HTAPv3 to the Community Emissions Data SystemSteve Smith
CAMS Global Emissions Status and PlansClaire Granier
GEIA OverviewCathy Liousse
MIX for MICS-Asia IVMeng Li
AFE: GEIA Africa Working GroupSekou Keita
EMISA: GEIA South American Working GroupNicolas Huneeus
GEIA VOC Working GroupErika von Schneidemesser
GEIA COVID-19 Working GroupMarc Guevara
Next StepsTerry Keating

Wednesday, 18 May:  Global Mercury Emissions and Modeling       

Subject of the presentationPresenter
GOS4M Knowledge HubCharikleia Gournia
EDGAR Global Mercury Emissions InventoryMarilena Muntean
Mercury Emissions Inventory in ChinaQingru Wu
Modelling future mercury emission control scenarios with GAINS: An updateFlora Brocza, Peter Rafaj
A multi-compartment model for Hg: From atmospheric emissions to bio-accumulation and human exposureJohannes Bieser, Martin Ramacher
Global mercury modeling to inform near-term and longer-term decision-makingNoelle Selin
Global Hg Modeling and IntercomparisonAshu Dastoor

Thursday, 19 May: Global O3/PM Modeling and Scenarios                

Subject of the presentationPresenter
Results of Regional Methane Reduction SimulationsAugustin Colette
Results of Dynamic Methane Reduction SimulationsGerd Folberth
Air Pollution in the Arctic: update and plans from the PACES initiativeClaudio Belis, Rita vanDingenen
Air Pollution in Arctic: update and plans from the PACES initiativeKathy Law, Steve Arnold
Impacts of ShippingJan Eiof Jonson
Linkages to MICS-Asia, WMO MMF-GTADJoshua Fu
O3 Deposition in Global and Regional ModelsOlivia Clifton
TOAR-II Overview and DatabaseOwen Cooper
O3 Deposition in TOAR-IILeiming Zhang
TOAR-II Statistics Focus GroupKai-Lan Chang
CCMI and TOAR-II Global and Regional Models Working GroupDavid Plummer

Wednesday, 25 May: Global Persistent Organic Pollutants and Chemicals of Emerging

Subject of the presentationPresenter
Introduction and ObjectivesTerry Keating
Local Sources vs. Long Range Transport of Arctic ContaminationDerek Muir & Haley Hung
Insights from Stockholm GMP: Substance Focus v. Process FocusTom Harner
EDGARv6 Unintentional POPs EmissionsMarilena Muntean
Spatial and temporal variabilty of BaP over Poland based on national high-resolution air quality modelling and observationsJoanna Struzewska
Modeling North American PAH at the Urban to Regional ScaleRosa Wu, Elisabeth Galarneau
PAHs from fuels and biomass burning: regional and global atmospheric transport perspectivesJianmin Ma
Long-range atmospheric transport of microplasticsDeonie Allen
Modelling PFAS emissions to and transport in atmosphere and oceanJohannes Bieser, Martin Ramacher
Nested multimedia fate and exposure modellingKnut Brevnik
Atmospheric transport of PFOA emitted from a point sourceBo Sha